вторник, 3 септември 2013 г.

Task - Pet Owners Application

    Like all students during the summer I have decided to try and apply for an internship (o.k not like all students). But I am so keen on gaining new knowledge that I can't stop with just my current courses. So I found some jobs offering web site and send quite a few CV and Cover letters. One day some office assistant call-back and asked me if I can go to an inteview next week. I've said "yes" and went pretty confident in my knowledge. Ohh...such a big mistake. This was the most intense interview I have ever been..the panel truly "broke" me. Starting from HTML 5, CSS 3, JS and DBMS .. to the very .Net and web basics.  

    I think that maybe 80-90% of my answers were correct, but they just didn't get enough. And eventually after an hour all 4 of them ageed that I should be put on another test - learn new technology in 4-5 days and by using their product I nad to create a simple working project. And because I  love chalenges. I've said: " what a great opportunity for me" .... see more...

петък, 19 юли 2013 г.

Summer Intership Interview

We are at the middle of the beautifull summer season, but this time is also the begining of the Intership Programs for the IT students.  First as a student we must find and research a company where we can apply for an interview. Major part of the asked questions is related with SQL and Database Management Systems.
Here I will share my prepared summary information for such Intership interview, also I must make a remark that this data is only the most important things that a candidate must know and You should learn very seriously before the interview - not only rely on this...